Honduras is Open for Business and Repression
Report from a March 16-23 Rights Action educational-solidarity delegation: Before heading off on a 6-day road trip, our group met with Berta Oliva of COFADEH (Committee of Family members of the Disappeared), who described the repression, violence, corruption and impunity. Since the 2009 coup, hundreds of civilians have been the victims of targeted assassinations.

Haiti’s Duvalier Needs Company in the Dock
Source: Truthout Human Rights Watch spokesperson Reed Brody called it “historic“: on February 28 former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier was forced to appear before a Port-au-Prince appeals court to discuss criminal complaints filed against him […]

Torture Victims in El Salvador Speak Out
A report containing the testimonies of victims of torture during El Salvador’s 1980-1992 civil war will be published 27 years after it was written, to help Salvadorans today learn more about that chapter in the country’s history. More than 40 torture techniques are described in detail and depicted in drawings in the report.

Alberto Patishtán and Solidarity with the Voice of el Amate, a Cry for Justice
Source: Desinformemonos “We are governed by injustice”: Alberto Patishtán Gomez, Prison No. 5 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas Now that hope of a just intervention by the Mexican courts has disappeared, due to the […]

Police Death Squads in Honduras – Then and Now
An important new investigative report from the Associated Press’ Alberto Arce describes the apparent ongoing activities of death squads within the Honduran police. The AP report also describes a now-infamous and disturbing video that appears to show the extrajudicial, cold-blooded murders of two young men in city streets “by masked gunmen with AK-47s who pulled up in a large SUV” – consistent with the police death squad modus operandi as described in the article.

Guatemala: Recurring Violence in Area of Tahoe Resource-Goldcorp Mine Demands Investigation and Company Withdrawal
Source: Intercontinental Cry The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) is being urged carry out a full and impartial investigation into recurring violence against Xinca communities in the area of the Escobal silver mine […]

Salvadoran Labor Rejects US-Backed Public-Private Partnership Law: An Interview with Jaime Rivera
Jaime Rivera, Secretary of the Sindical de Trabajadores de Sector Electricos (STSE – Union of Electric Sector Workers) has recently returned to El Salvador from a CISPES labour solidarity tour, where he visited cities along the US West Coast to express solidarity with US workers and denounce US intervention. He has been active in Salvadoran labor politics for over 30 years. Jamie sat down with CISPES to speak about the Public-Private Partnership P3 law following a march to the US embassy in El Salvador to denounce its ambassador’s interference in Salvadoran public affairs.

Chile’s “NO” Campaign: What the Movie Doesn’t Tell Us
Source: NACLA The Academy Award-nominated film “NO” re-opens a window on an inspirational moment in Latin American history, when Chileans used the ballot box to bring down the notorious dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet in […]

World Bank Must End Support for Honduran Palm Oil Company Implicated in Murder
On March 19 several Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) condemned a statement by the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation, IFC [1] which defends the record of a Honduran palm oil company, Grupo Dinant, implicated in dozens of […]

Photo Essay: Genocide Trial begins in Guatemala
Images from the first day of the historic trial against former de facto dictator Efraín Ríos Montt and former Intelligence Director José Mauricio Rodriguez Sanchez. Ríos Montt and Rodriguez Sanchez are charged with Genocide and crimes against humanity during the civil war in Guatemala (1960-1996) against the Ixil Mayan people.
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