Time Stands Still for the Mothers of Mexico’s Disappeared

November 10, 2015 Upside Down World 0

The mothers of Mexico’s disappeared have become experts in their own right—many have searched for their children on their own and have become the fiercest activists and critics of government impunity and state violence in Mexico.They have become the leaders of grassroots organization against a criminal state responsible for the disappearances of their children and thousands of others.



Brazil: Indigenous Resistance in Rio’s Metropolis of Mega Events

November 10, 2015 Upside Down World 0

With the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics came the pretext for companies, in complicity with all three levels of government, to begin looking at the Aldea Marakaná with new eyes. Despite a growing number of violent evictions, home demolitions, sustained process of gentrification and extensive real estate speculation the Aldea Marakaná and its neighbors continue to be a symbol of resistance.


How the Politics of Extreme Energy Lead to the Criminalization of Social Protest in Argentina

October 30, 2015 Upside Down World 0

The trial of Mapuche woman Relmu Ñamku began a few days ago in Argentina. She could be sentenced to 15 years in prison for defending her territory against fossil fuel extraction activities. Her case highlights a trend: while fossil fuel corporations go to extremes in search of new fuel sources, political actions are also going to extremes to repress communities and organizations that oppose extractivism. […]

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