Colombia: Movement for the Defense and Liberation of Mother Earth Commences the Festival of the Sun

June 25, 2012 Upside Down World 0

“It is vital that we rescue our indigenous identity”, expressed Harold Segura a member of the Association of Affected by the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project-Asoquimbo. “We were originally an indigenous reserve. We still have such a rich culture and territory, but with the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project on the river, petroleum company Emerald Energy in the Eastern Mountains and the Special Energy and Transportation Batallion ‘José María Tello’ next to us we are about to lose it all forever.”


Tragic Week in Paraguay

June 24, 2012 Upside Down World 0

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has just been removed from office by Congress through political impeachment, an express trial that lasted only 24 hours. This manoeuvre must be seen as a coup to the democratic process started in 2008. Social movements are protesting in front of Congress as well as in various parts of the country. This plot by the major Paraguayan political parties has to be interpreted as the last step of a process of political destabilization in the country started with the massacre of Curuguaty last June 15th.


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