
Photo Essay: Indigenous, Peasant and Popular March arrives to Guatemala City

April 2, 2012 Upside Down World 0

A photo essay of the marcher’s culminating protest. Movement leaders have issued a press statement, a “Declaration of the March for Resistance and Dignity, in Defense of the Earth and Territory,” in which they have made the demands for the legalization of community radio, an end to industrial mining and agricultural concessions and violence, and an end to government imposed agrarian debt – reiterations of longstanding grievances of the Indigenous and campesinos in Guatemala


Maria Galindo

Bolivian Radical Feminist Maria Galindo on Evo Morales, Sex-Ed, and Rebellion in the Universe of Women

April 2, 2012 Upside Down World 0

Mujeres Creando is a radical feminist organization that has been confronting the patriarchalism of Bolivian society since the 1980’s.  During a recent visit, one of the founders, Maria Galindo, spoke with us about women’s rights, access to work, education, reproductive freedom and politics during the presidency of Evo Morales in Bolivia. We met in the restaurant of their small hotel and cultural center in the capital La Paz, while the Mujeres Creando radio station, broadcasting from another room, played on the speaker in the background. […]

Mexico: Blood for Silver, Blood for Gold

March 31, 2012 Upside Down World 0

In the dry and dusty town of San José del Progreso south of Oaxaca, Mexico, a funeral was held on March 17 for a slain community leader who actively opposed a Canadian silver and gold mining project in his community. But in spite of the fear and intimidation,  anti-mining activists from San José together with other surrounding communities affected by the mine, will continue on in their resistance.



Peru: Cajamarca Protests Continue as Conga Gold Mine Awaits Green Light

March 29, 2012 Upside Down World 0

“¡Agua sí! ¡Oro no! ¡Agua sí! ¡Oro no!” [Water yes! Gold no!] The chant vibrated through the thin Andean air as a regional demonstration against the Conga Gold Mine Project took place last Thursday to honor World Water Day. Thousands of residents of Cajamarca, Peru, gathered at the Laguna Azul, one of many high-altitude lakes on the proposed Conga Mine site, in effort to protect their water resources from exploitation and contamination.


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