Honduras: Un llamado urgente
Fuente: América Latina en Movimiento Tras el retorno de Honduras a la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), en las esferas y organismos internacionales ya no se habla de ese país, bajo el supuesto de que estaría […]
Fuente: América Latina en Movimiento Tras el retorno de Honduras a la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), en las esferas y organismos internacionales ya no se habla de ese país, bajo el supuesto de que estaría […]
Source: Intercontinental Cry The government of Belize has quietly granted an American oil company drilling rights to protected Maya lands inside the Sarstoon Temash National Park (STNP) in the Toledo District of southern Belize. The […]
(Tierramérica) – The shop is filled to bursting with buyers. One by one, customers follow a salesperson to one of a row of booths where they are provided with a wealth of information on the […]
Since April, the indigenous town of Cherán, Mexico has been sealed off in a bid to protect its future. Local and federal authorities are not welcome, politicians even less so. Barricades at the entrance to the town are manned 24-hours a day and members of the community keep vigil around fires in the street.
The link between trade liberalization and food availability is becoming a critical factor that, far from improving living conditions, threatens to deepen and entrench the structural causes of hunger, violence and malnutrition in the region. […]
Source: Honduras Culture and Politics There’s a new political party in town. It will take the baby steps needed to found a new party this coming Tuesday. The Patriotic Alliance of Honduras (Alianza Patriotica de […]
(IPS) – Five South American countries have launched a joint sustainable management programme for the Río de la Plata basin, to preserve one of the largest fresh water reserves in the world. Presidents Cristina Fernández […]
Source: Frente Nacional de Resistancia Popular After 2 weeks of hard work to obtain signatures and the constitutive documents, the National Front of People’s Resistance (FNRP) presented on Sunday, October 30, before the Supreme Electoral […]
Source: Survival International Survival has developing news from Brazil, where masked gunmen have today executed an Indian religious leader in front of his community. Gunmen surrounded Nísio Gomes, ordering his community to lie on the […]
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