The Pending US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement: False Claims Versus Hard Realities

September 6, 2011 Upside Down World 0

Neoliberal free trade policies have been a big part of the reason that economic crises are taking place all over the world and have led to ever widening gaps between the rich and the poor. Colombia has the second largest gap between the rich and the poor in South America and the eighth largest worldwide, according to the World Bank’s World Development Institute. The FTA will make matters worse.


Declaration from Artists and Intellectuals on the Bajo Aguán and Human Rights in Honduras

September 2, 2011 Upside Down World 0

Just when the situation was supposed to improve based on the Cartagena Accords and when the presidents of Honduras and Colombia had declared that the promise to respect human rights is being kept, the bloody acts of recent days have revealed a regression, in particular because the campesino movement has been criminalized through allegations of ties with guerrilla forces trained and financed by foreign governments.


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