Right-wing Unleashes Campaign Against Democracy in Latin America

June 1, 2011 Upside Down World 0

US Latin Americanist Cold Warriors and their far-right allies in the region kicked off a propaganda campaign in May to influence Congress and US citizens against Venezuela and fellow ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas) countries. With declining attention being paid to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, neoconservatives and neoliberals want to turn our attention to rolling back social and economic advances in Latin America.


Book Review: Memory and Justice in Democratic Chile

May 31, 2011 Upside Down World 0

Reckoning with Pinochet delves into the memory question and the process through which memory became an essential part of Chilean culture. Drawing on the obvious split of loyalties within Chilean society, Stern vividly portrays the memory of both sides, bringing to light a conclusion which, despite the obvious, has the tendency to remain cloistered in a realm of its own.


Javier Sicilia

Mexico’s No More Bloodshed Movement (Video report)

May 27, 2011 Upside Down World 0

On June 10, thousands of Mexican people will gather at the chaos-ridden border city of Juarez to build the next step of the growing “No mas sangre” (No More Bloodshed) movement. The plan to gather in Juarez stems from a six-point plan presented by Javier Sicilia and crew at a May 8 rally in Mexico City’s central square. This video report explains why Mexican folks are mobilizing, and why they have politicians shaking in their boots.


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