Articles by Upside Down World

Brazil’s Landless Movement Turns 25, Opens “New Phase” of Struggle
In late January 1984, a group of nearly a hundred "landless" farmers from across Brazil met to debate the founding of a movement for agrarian reform which would unite landless campesinos and farm workers from around the country. At last week’s 13th national meeting of the MST, 1500 MST members from across the country met to debate the direction of the movement. […]

Dirty Business, Dirty Wars: U.S.-Latin American Relations in the 21st Century
Latin America’s growing unity in rejecting the Washington Consensus remains fragile in the face of U.S. opposition. Washington has been quietly using the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, and a neo-cold war ideology to institutionalize a militarism in the region that risks returning us to the not so far off days of “dirty wars.”

La compleja relación entre gobiernos y movimientos: ¿Autonomía o nuevas formas de dominación?
Fuente: Programa de las Américas A fines de 2008 se cumplieron diez años del triunfo electoral de Hugo Chávez (6 de diciembre de 1998), que inauguró un nuevo período caracterizado por la emergencia de gobiernos […]

Bolivia Looking Forward: New Constitution Passed, Celebrations Hit the Streets
After Bolivia’s new constitution was passed in a national referendum on Sunday, thousands gathered in La Paz to celebrate. Standing on the balcony of the presidential palace, President Evo Morales addressed a raucous crowd: "Here begins a new Bolivia. Here we begin to reach true equality." […]

From Bolivia’s Streets: What Voters Think About the New Constitution
Today’s referendum on

Bolivia, a horas de su refundación histórica
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – El domingo el país andino vivirá tal vez, el acto eleccionario mas importante de su historia. Un elección que merece ese nombre ya que no se dirime apenas la vigencia de […]

Bolivia: After Rallies for New Constitution, Morales Nationalizes Oil Company
On Thursday, representatives from Bolivia’s diverse social movements convened in downtown La Paz at a rally to mark the end of over two years of meetings, conflicts and mobilizations to, as President Evo Morales often says in speeches, "constitutionalize" much-needed changes. The following day, Morales nationalized the Chaco oil company. […]