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The Dilemma of Soy in Argentina

March 16, 2015 Upside Down World 0

(IPS) – Industrial soy production continues to expand in Argentina, pushing small farmers out of the countryside and replacing other crops and cattle. It presents a challenge in a country where 70 percent of the […]

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Mexico: How the Cartels Were Born

March 16, 2015 Upside Down World 0

Source: Jacobin What’s known as the “Mexican Drug War” was fueled by American free-market policies. Adapted from A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War,” out this spring from […]

Brazil: The Dictatorship’s Perfect Crime

March 11, 2015 Upside Down World 0

In São Paulo, bones in a clandestine grave from a cemetery deteriorate while awaiting identification. Among the unidentified skeletons are disappeared political activists, victims of the infamous Death Squad of rogue police active in the 1960s and 1970s, and children who died in a 1970’s São Paulo epidemic of meningitis, which the dictatorship tried to cover up.


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