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Goldcorp Inc. & The Danger of Democracy

June 23, 2008 Upside Down World 0

In unison, hundreds of Mayan Mam community leaders raised their hands in the Gimnasio Municipal (municipal gym) of San Miguel Ixtahuacan (SMI), Guatemala on April 30. These hundreds of raised hands indicated a "yes" vote for the municipality of SMI to hold a legally binding community consultation concerning whether or not to permit mining. […]

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There is No Poverty in a Mother’s Heart

June 21, 2008 Upside Down World 0

Women actors name their mothers, one by one, to initiate their performance of "¡Somos Mujeres, Somos Madres!", an original, collectively- developed theater production based on their personal and ancestral stories.  At the Somos Mayfair organization, cultural work–especially theater–are critical tools that encourage immigrant women to tell their stories. 

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Domesticado La Amazonia Ecuatoriana

June 19, 2008 Upside Down World 0

30/10/2007 Corporativismo colonial (quema el petróleo en territorio indígenas amazónicos) La expansión de las operaciones de la constructora sueca Skanska en América Latina y los daños ambientales que ésta ocasiona es poco conocida en Europa. […]

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