Articles by Upside Down World

High Participation, Tension in Paraguayan Elections
Alberto Castiglioni, former Vice-President of Paraguay, and member of the

Manual del fraude electoral en Paraguay
Este manual pretende recopilar las varias trampas que se cometen durante le proceso electoral y que si bien por todos conocidos es necesario documentarlas para que se tome conocimiento de las mismos. Se pretende que […]

Paraguay Celebrates Lugo’s Historic Victory
Asunción, Paraguay – Fireworks can still be heard in the distance where thousands of people are in the streets of downtown Asuncion sharing, embracing, reveling, hugging, smothering each other in kisses, and dancing until the early morning. Fernando Lugo, the opposition candidate and progressive former bishop, has won with just over ten points above his closest challenger, Colorado candidate Blanca Ovelar. […]

Paraguay: Polls Closing, Results Point to Lugo Victory
6:30 PM A full moon hangs in the clear sky. Under the setting sun, the last electoral centers are counting the ballots. In the poor barrio, Bañado, on the outskirts of Asuncion, in the San […]

Lilian Soto Interview on Paraguayan Elections
Lilian Soto is involved with Saca, an independent count of the vote, organized by various NGOs independently. She’s a former president of the Junta municipal of Asuncion. Click here to listen to the interview: http://nyc.indymedia.org/media/2008/04//96418.mp3

Fernando Lugo Wins in Paraguay, Celebrations Fill the Streets
Update: We just got off the phone with Michael Fox, the Upside Down World correspondent covering the elections in Paraguay. From the midst of celebrations in the streets, Fox reports that with 90% of the results in, Fernando Lugo has won the election.

Paraguayan Election Forecast Shows Fraud On the Horizon
“What we are sure about, is that there is going to be fraud, in the multitude of diverse ways that the history of this country has taught,” said Juan Jose Dominguez, Uruguayan member of the MERCOSUR Parliament for the Frente Amplio coalition, and international election observer in Paraguay for this Sunday’s elections. […]

Voting Underway in Paraguayan Elections
Paraguayans are busy exercising their civic duty today as millions of citizens across this South American country are voting in today’s elections, one of the most important in the history of this tiny country. […]