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Referendum in Costa Rica: Countdown to CAFTA?

September 27, 2007 Upside Down World 0

Oscar Arias

On Oct. 7, Costa Ricans will vote whether or not to adopt DR-CAFTA, the controversial Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement signed in August 2004 and implemented in 2006 by El Salvador, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Honduras. […]

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Paraguay en la hora de los cambios

September 27, 2007 Upside Down World 0

 Fuente: Americas Program En abril de 2008 habrá elecciones presidenciales. Por primera vez en 60 años el Partido Colorado puede verse desalojado del palacio de gobierno. Comenzaría así la tan ansiada como postergada transición a […]

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Paraguay’s Hour of Change

September 27, 2007 Upside Down World 0

Source: Americas Program April 2008 brings presidential elections for Paraguay. For the first time in 60 years the Red Party may find itself thrown out of the presidential palace. Thus will begin the long desired […]

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No to the FTA with Peru

September 26, 2007 Upside Down World 0

Activists in Peru and the United States are mobilizing against the pending US-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The US-Peru FTA has passed both the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, but […]

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Book Review: The Price of Fire in Bolivia

September 24, 2007 Upside Down World 0

The book is a triumph in every respect… skillfully interweaving abstract theory, political and social history… [The author] is thorough, but not boring, colorful, without reducing his subjects to the level of vicarious objects for the benefit of literary tourism.


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