Articles by Upside Down World

Bolivian Assembly Struggles to Draft Constitution
Source: Andean Information Network Bolivia’s Constitutional Assembly has been charged with a huge task, not just to rewrite the nation’s constitution but also to ‘refound’ Bolivia. This includes restructuring the government, reforming education, dealing with […]

AI: Brazilian Cities Now “Violent Fiefdoms”
Amnesty International published a report this week exposing Brazil’s public security crisis. "Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have reached a tragic impasse. Criminal gangs … have rushed to fill the vacuum left by the […]

Ecuadorian Military Ordered to Break Up Oil Protests
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa announced last week that he will increase military and security forces around oil facilities and allow the use of force to remove protestors. "We will not allow any more invasions of […]

ONU: El Negocio con los Mercenarios Causa Problemas en Latinoamérica
Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Germán Leyens Naciones Unidas publicó discretamente en marzo un informe denunciando una serie de abusos de los derechos humanos asociados con un creciente negocio con mercenarios que recluta a […]