Articles by Upside Down World

President Bush Takes His Unpopularity to Latin America
Source: The Democracy Center Cochabamba, Bolivia: A January poll of 603 prominent Latin Americans (leading politicians, government officials, academics and journalists) found that 86 percent gave the Bush administration a fair or poor grade for […]

Women gain political ground in Latin America, World
More women than ever hold seats in parliaments around the world, says the Inter-Parliamentary Union [IPU]. Women now constitute nearly 17 % of parliamentarians now, up from 11.3 % 12 years ago. The IPU’s analysis is based on […]

One Year of CAFTA in El Salvador
March 1 marked the first anniversary of the implementation of the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) in El Salvador. While Presidents Bush and Saca met in Washington DC and made statements about how beneficial […]

Washington Is Losing Its Grip on Latin America
Source: McClatchy-Tribune Information Services "State of Denial" is the title of Bob Woodward’s famous book on the Bush team’s road to disaster in Iraq, but it would have served just as well for a description […]

El mal clima boliviano: inundaciones y emergencias
Luego de dos meses de padecer el azote de la naturaleza con granizadas, lluvias, heladas, sequías y fundamentalmente inundaciones; Bolivia espera superar los últimos coletazos del Fenómeno del Niño y comenzar un millonario y lento […]