Articles by Upside Down World

“Copper War” in Ecuador: Ascendant Copper vs. Local Communities
It’s the kind of scenario that makes shambles out of the carefully crafted image the mining industry has spent millions on creating: A transnational mining company using retired military officials, military helicopters and hundreds of […]

U.S. Names Spy Chief for Cuba and Venezuela
U.S. "Intelligence Czar" John Negroponte appointed a former national security advisor for President Reagan as head of intelligence for Cuba and Venezuela on Nov. 27. Norman Bailey, a Latin American specialist and Cold War expert, […]

Diary of a Venezuelan Presidential Election
Source: Red Pepper [Chesa Boudin, author of The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions-100 Answers, gives a first-hand account of Election Day in Caracas. –Ed] Loud fireworks woke me, and much of Caracas, up at 2.30am on […]

El caso contra Texaco: Entrevista con Emergildo Criollo, Representante Cofan
De última hora ChevronTexaco pidió la suspensión de las inspecciones de los demandantes en el caso histórico contra la petrolera norteamericana por contaminación en la selva ecuatoriana. Si bien el pedido fue negado por el […]

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