Articles by Upside Down World

Morning-After Pill Free in Chile
SANTIAGO, Chile: Any woman over 14 can now ask a physician for a prescription for birth control without the permission of her parents, and the contraceptives, including the morning after pill, will be provided free […]

Panamanians Wary of Canal Expansion
According to the Panama Canal Authority , (ACP) on July 14, Panama’s National Assembly unanimously approved the proposal to expand the Panama Canal. In addition, the Assembly created and passed a law mandating a national […]

Peru: Local Resistance Shuts Down LatinAm’s Largest Goldmine
Residents of Combayo, Peru, blocked roads leading to Yanacocha, Latin America’s most productive Gold Mine from August 27-30. They otests earlier in August led to the death of one protester at the hands of police. […]

Evo Morales y la Desconolización fálica del estado Boliviano
Un análisis feminista sobre el proceso a la Asamblea Constituyente en Bolivia La Ley de convocatoria a la Asamblea Constituyente:no era un cambio de gobierno lo que la sociedad se había planteado En Bolivia hay […]

Castro’s Last Challenge
Translated by Leonor Marc into Spanish, Translated into English by GeN Higgs Source: Sin Permiso "There are many variables, and even more possible combinations. The possibilities are even more indecipherable given the outstanding personality of […]

Mexico Election: CEPR adds up vote data, finds reduction for Calderón
Source: The Center for Economic and Policy Research Press Release from CEPR: Result Could Explain Electoral Authorities’ Reluctance to Release Recount Data For Immediate Release: September 2, 2006 Contact: Mark Weisbrot, 202-746-7264Dan Beeton, 202-293-5380 x […]

El Valle Ecológico de Machachi: el “último valle agrícola”, ¿el valle de la chatarra?
"Esto nosotros sabemos; la tierra no pertenece al hombre; el hombre pertenece a la tierra. Esto nosotros sabemos. Todas las cosas están conectadas como la sangre que une nuestra familia." (Jefe Seattle, de la tribu […]