Articles by Upside Down World

Mexico’s Critical Moment
Source: IRC Americas Since the start of Mexico’s presidential campaigns, the race has opened up latent but profound fissures in Mexican society. The present post-electoral conflict not only hinges on legal issues of how the […]

Chilean Miners Strike For Their Piece Of Copper Pie
Chilean miners began a strike over pay on Monday evening, August 7 at the Escondida mine near Antofagasta in northern Chile. The price of copper has risen due to demand from countries such as China […]

A Mining Ban in Honduras?
Honduran Bishop Luis Santos Villeda, with the help of civil society, is making progress in a nationwide effort to ban open-pit mining for minerals. Bishop Santos helped lead a protest on July 25, when hundreds […]

What the World Bank and IDB Owe Haiti
Source: Global Policy Forum For several years Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, has been left out of the World Bank’s "Heavily Indebted Poor Country" (HIPC) debt relief initiative. At last, Haiti may […]