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Ecuador: The Breach Dividing Intag

November 29, 2014 Upside Down World 0

The road to Junín, one of Íntag’s 76 communities, crosses rivers and tree-lined farms. The population here has opposed mining for 20 years. They managed to force two multinationals, Japan’s Bishi Metals in the ‘90s, and Canada’s Ascendant Copper in the first decade of the 2000s, to leave the zone. Today, however, Íntag is divided.


Central America’s “Alliance for Prosperity” Plan: Shock Doctrine for the Child Refugee Crisis?

November 27, 2014 Upside Down World 0

On November 14, the presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras – the three countries that comprise Central America’s Northern Triangle – presented their “Alliance for Prosperity” plan at an event at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Ostensibly a response to the root causes of migration that led to this summer’s child refugee “crisis,” the plan brings to mind various past cases of crises exploited for economic gain, as Naomi Klein detailed in her landmark book, The Shock Doctrine.


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Legal Vacuum Fuels Conflicts Over Water in El Salvador

November 17, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Rural communities and social organizations in El Salvador agree that the lack of specific laws is one of the main hurdles to resolving disputes over water in the country. “If the right to water was regulated in the constitution, we wouldn’t be caught up in this conflict,” said David Díaz, a representative of the Asociación de Desarrollo Comunal Bendición de Dios (Adescobd).



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