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The Alternative Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela: A World Made of Many Worlds

February 15, 2006 Upside Down World 0

The sixth World Social Forum (WSF) has ended and all the thousands of activists and journalists have gone home, most unaware of the parallel events held by the Alternative Social Forum (ASF). The ASF hosted a diverse group of participants all in agreement of the necessary autonomy of social movements, voiced their critique of Latin American energy policy and questioned the state appropriation of social movements in Venezuela.


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Reflections on Resistance: “Over My Dead Body”

February 14, 2006 Upside Down World 0

When the residents of Junín, Ecuador declare that copper mining will begin only "over my dead body", I get the sense they mean it. Never have I personally known a more determined and dedicated group of people. Aside from everyday acts of resistance to Ascendant Copper Corporation and its locally hired cronies, the people of Junín and surrounding communities of Intag imperiled by the proposed mine repeatedly use formidable acts to demonstrate their discontent and opposition to mining projects.


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Paraguayan Peasants Resist GM Soy

February 13, 2006 Upside Down World 0

As a result of the rapid expansion of genetically modified soybeans into the area, peasants and Indigenous people in Eastern Paraguay have become the targets of land evictions, pesticide poisoning and assassinations.


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Haiti’s Tragic Election

February 8, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Haiti’s election was marred with scuffles, stampedes, murders and confusion in what the U.S. ambassador has called a "triumph for the Haitian people." Many polling places were disorganized and unable to open on time. "Some […]

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Is Chavez a Dictator?

February 8, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have often met as the leaders of their countries, and they have clearly developed a warm personal friendship as well.  The Bush administration, Fox News, and the Venezuelan opposition try to use this as "proof" that Chavez is taking orders from Castro, that Chavez intends to turn Venezuela into a "communist dictatorship," with capitalism severely curtailed, and freedom of speech limited.


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Nature Conservation or Territorial Control and Profits?

February 7, 2006 Upside Down World 0

San Juan residents

"But the greatest doubt – considering that over half of all Garifuna communities are located in protected areas or their respective buffer zones – is if the dedication to environmental protection work really exists or if it can be reduced to a formula for territorial control, so that later the protected areas can be raffled off among the same old sorcerers as always."  (The Fraternal Black Order of Honduras)


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