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The 2005 World Social Forum in Brazil

January 24, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Maybe it had to do with the beer, or the heady mixture of languages, or the humidity, but it felt like something unique was growing out of the sweaty discussions and incessant drum circles. It wasn’t the same energy one feels at a large protest or indoor activist conference, and it was more than a tropical version of Woodstock. There was a feeling at the fifth annual World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil that something extraordinary was happening.


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Argentina: A Kindergarten Joins Movement

January 23, 2006 Upside Down World 0

The large brick building hangs heavy and desolate, lacking the welcoming pastel colors found at other Argentine kindergartens. But this is not a typical kindergarten; this is Crecer Imaginando en Libertad (Imagine Growing in Liberty, or CIEL), the kindergarten of a community education and cultural center in La Matanza, about two hours south of Buenos Aires.


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Howard Dean And Latin America

January 17, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean’s recent comments to Wolf Blitzer on CNN serve as a reminder that Republicans and Democrats share the same foreign policy goals in Latin America, they just differ on tactics. […]

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Chile’s Conservative Leftist?

January 17, 2006 Upside Down World 0

President-elect Michelle Bachelet, Chile’s first woman leader, has pledged to "walk the same road" as the outgoing Lagos administration. For this "socialist," that means supporting free market policies such as the Free Trade Area of […]

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Why the World Social Forum Needs to Be Less Like Neoliberalism

January 16, 2006 Upside Down World 0

January is a special month for the global left. Every year at this time, progressives and activists convene at the World Social Forum, usually in Porto Alegre, Brazil. In January 2005, I too was eagerly awaiting my first trip to the Forum, imagining a week of cross-cultural communication, strategic organizing, and inspiring celebrations. Although I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I did know one thing – the Forum would be an alternative to neoliberalism. So why did I walk away from Porto Alegre worried mostly about the similarities between the Forum and neoliberalism? And is there still reason to be worried, as the 2006 Forum approaches? […]

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Brazil’s Army Training Indians

January 11, 2006 Upside Down World 0

There are reports that Brazil’s army is training Amazon Indians in guerrilla warfare.  Leaked photos of training exercises were published in the Rio Newspaper Extra.  One of the pictures published yesterday shows a line of […]

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