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Another Massacre of Indigenous People in Guatemala

October 2, 2014 Upside Down World 0

The Indigenous people of Guatemala have just lived through another massacre in their territories, which has led to the declaration of another state of emergency by the government of Otto Pérez Molina. The acts of violence started on the evening of September 19th, when, according to the communities, armed actors entered their territories and identified themselves as workers with Cementos Progreso, they opened fire and killed a member of the community delegation that was in the area, killing him.


National Day of Maize in Mexico: Protecting the Sacred Plant

September 30, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Mexicans celebrated National Day of Maize on September 29, 2014, with demonstrations, marches, and expositions. Known as the Land of Maize, Mexico now imports one-third of this sacred icon and staple food, mostly from the US. A fierce battle is being waged over corn that is still grown in Mexico, with small farmers and seed sovereignty activists pitted against Monsanto and other GMO giants, the Mexican government, the US government, and the World Trade Organization.


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Sonora Spill adds to the Social and Environmental Consequences of Free-Market Mining in Mexico

September 27, 2014 Upside Down World 0

The massive spill of toxic mining residue that took place in August in Mexico’s  northwestern state of Sonora has underscored the weakness of the country’s environmental laws, as well as the destructive consequences of free-market mining. It is a harbinger for what is in store for the country since Enrique Peña Nieto’s government extended neoliberal reforms to the oil and gas sector, allowing for private and foreign investment in all facets of exploration and production, with a green light for fracking.


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