Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics

June 3, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Governments have been busy criminalizing Indigenous claims to consultation that challenge extractive models of development. Indigenous opposition to extractivism ultimately promotes self-determination rights, questioning the states’ authority over land by placing its sovereignty into historical context. In that sense, Indigeneity is a valuable approach to understanding world politics.


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Ecuador Pushes for Greater South-South Cooperation and Stronger Public Disability Assistance Policies

June 2, 2014 Upside Down World 0

The most recent report published by the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) found that Ecuador was the largest recipient of bilateral south-south cooperation projects in Latin America. However, the report also noted that Ecuador has become an increasingly important provider in bilateral cooperation projects, specifically in the area of social assistance programs which accounted for 35 percent of all south-to-south projects carried out by the Ecuadorian government.


Digging up the Dirt on Canadian Mining in Latin America

May 29, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Goldcorp’s San Martin gold mine in Honduras is one of five emblematic cases in the spotlight at the Permanent People’s Tribunal, celebrating its 40th session in Montreal from May 29 to June 1. Goldcorp’s mine is also one of the case studies examined in a new report on Canadian mining in Latin America. Produced by a working group of Latin American organizations, the report draws on 22 case studies spanning nine Latin American countries to document a litany of harms, ranging from environmental and health impacts to forced displacement and criminalization.


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Farewell, Subcomandante

May 28, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Source: Radio Zapatista “Hey, it’s very dark here, I need a little light.” Then he stopped talking and straightened the papers on the table. The lights went out. In the penumbra, illuminated just by the […]

Colombia’s U’was Say No to Gas Drilling in Their Territory

May 28, 2014 Upside Down World 0

Plans by Colombia’s state-owned firm Ecopetrol to drill for gas in the north of the country have been suspended following opposition from the indigenous U’wa people. An organization representing 17 U´wa communities, Asou’wa, raised the alarm about the drilling in late February reporting the arrival of “an avalanche of heavy machinery” and an increasing army presence.


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