An Argentine Bachillerato Popular at the Crossroads: The Encroachment of the State on the Demands of Social Organizations

February 27, 2014 Upside Down World 0

The Bachillerato Popular and the Cooperative are part of Ñanderoga, the social organization located in Las Flores neighborhood, in the district of Vicente López, north of Greater Buenos Aires. Ñanderoga, established in 2004, sets out to organize around cultural, social, and educational activities in an impoverished neighborhood of a wealthy district — a reflection of the so-called paradoxes of a painfully unequal Argentina.


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February Traumas: The Third Insurrectionary Moment of the Venezuelan Right

February 26, 2014 Upside Down World 0

“Today the counter-revolutionary Right is reactivating itself,” according to long-time Venezuelan revolutionary Roland Denis, “taking advantage of the profound deterioration that this slow revolutionary process is suffering. Its reappearance and interlacing with ‘democratic civil society’ is a clear signal to the popular movement that we either convert this moment into a creative and reactivating crisis of the collective revolutionary will, or we bid farewell to this beautiful and traumatic history that we have built over the last 25 years.”


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