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Ecuador Undergoes Mining Makeover

April 22, 2008 Cyril Mychalejko 0

Anti-Mining Protest

Ecuador’s constitutional assembly passed a mining mandate last week that cancelled a majority of the country’s mining concessions, suspended remaining projects, and imposed a moratorium on awarding new concessions while giving the government a six month deadline to re-write the country’s mining legislation. […]

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Protesters Target Canada’s Iamgold in Ecuador

April 8, 2008 Teresa Velasquez 0

Residents from the southern Ecuadorian province of Azuay used rocks and burning tires to block a stretch of the Panamerican Highway on April 2 to protest a planned industrial-sized goldmine, which they say will contaminate the local water supply. Canadian gold giant Iamgold has been eyeing entry into the region.

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Ascendant Copper Loses Mining Concessions in Ecuador

February 1, 2008 Cyril Mychalejko 0

Ecuador’s government announced on Friday that it was revoking Ascendant Copper‘s mining concessions for the controversial Junin Project. “As an Intag resident, I am ecstatic to be rid of a source of conflict that was tearing our communities apart,” said Carlos Zorrilla, executive director of Defensa y Conservación Ecológica de Intag.


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Marlon Santi: Commitment and Challenge to Reconstruct a New CONAIE in Ecuador

January 15, 2008 Marc Becker 0

At CONAIE Congress

Marlon Santi is the new president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE).  He says that he will "join with the people in the Amazon, in the highlands, and on the coast. Since the problems are same and we have to walk together.  I am not a leader who sits at a desk. I am a leader who will be out in the field, fighting for the people." […]

Ecuador’s New Constitutional Assembly: Up With the Executive, Down With Traditional Parties

December 28, 2007 Marc Becker 0

Ecuador followed in the footsteps of Venezuela and Bolivia this past November 30 by beginning the task of writing a new constitution. The goal is to remake the country’s political and social landscape.  Similar to Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, president Rafael Correa has pledged to use a new constitution to introduce socialism for the twenty-first century into Ecuador. […]

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Swedish Construction as Sexism in Ecuador

November 21, 2007 Hanna Dahlstrom 0

Brothel along Amazon pipeline

On the road between the two oil towns Lago Agrio and Coca the brothels are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The women along the road are waiting for the oil workers. Many of them come from the Ecuadorian coastal region or are refugees from the conflict-ridden Colombia. […]

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