Photo by Colorznshapes via flickr

The Year in Revolts: A South American Perspective of the Arab Spring

October 12, 2011 Cristina Cielo 0

In this year of growing popular protests worldwide, demands for political and economic equality have burst forth in the Middle East, Europe and even in the United States. Further south in the Americas, civil society organization over the past decade brought social movement leaders to state power and marginalized peoples’ rights to national agendas. In this interview, Uruguayan intellectual and journalist Raúl Zibechi gives us a South American perspective of the momentous changes taking place globally, through a focus on the inaugural mobilizations in the Middle East.


Pain Song Along the US – Mexico Border: the forced “yes” of Migration

September 16, 2011 John Washington 0

Sergio and I were sitting in torn-out bus seats under a hot January sky in Nogales, Sonora, talking about crawling through thorn bushes. About thirty other recently deported men and women were sprawled on the concrete, or slouching in other deconstructed pairs of once colorfully-patterned bus seats. Most carried plastic Homeland Security bags. Inside the bags were their effects, their pertenencias, which they had with them when they were arrested on one or the other side of the border.


How the US Props Up Criminals and Murderers All in the Name of Our Catastrophic Drug War

July 15, 2011 Ryan Devereaux, AlterNet 0

While the capability of Central American institutions to safeguard human rights is open to interpretation, activists in the region have raised serious concerns about the governments’ interest and will in doing so. They fear the hundreds of millions of dollars ear-marked for law enforcement and security will be used by the deeply corrupt–at times violent–governments of the Northern Triangle to support ongoing human rights abuses.


Right-wing Unleashes Campaign Against Democracy in Latin America

June 1, 2011 Chuck Kaufman 0

US Latin Americanist Cold Warriors and their far-right allies in the region kicked off a propaganda campaign in May to influence Congress and US citizens against Venezuela and fellow ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas) countries. With declining attention being paid to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, neoconservatives and neoliberals want to turn our attention to rolling back social and economic advances in Latin America.


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