Panama: Indigenous Movement Deeply Concerned About the Barro Blanco Dam

Anti-Drug War Movement Emerges in Mexico
After four years of war that has left nearly 40,000 people dead, countless more disappeared, and soldiers on the streets of every state in the country, many Mexicans are finally “fed up” with President Felipe Calderón’s drug policy. This weekend, Mexicans in at least 25 of the country’s 31 states will protest to “stop the war, for a just and peaceful Mexico.”

Video Reports: Repression and Resistance in Post-Coup Honduras
A series of short video reports from Honduras on the resistance movement, land occupations, repression against teachers and the struggle for democracy after the 2009 military coup.

‘Sustainable Rural Cities’, a Nightmare Come True in Chiapas
The construction of Santiago El Pinar, the second Sustainable Rural City, clearly unveils another facet of the project: that of a counterinsurgency strategy devised by the Chiapas government against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). Located very close to the Zapatista autonomous municipalities of San Juan de la Libertad and San Andrés Sakamch’en, the ‘city’ breaks down the traditional ways of life, and forces people to enter the capitalist mode of production of small businesses oriented towards the external market.

Community Radio Stations: The Voice of Honduran Resistance
In Honduras, where sensationalizing and manipulating the truth is a common practice among journalists, community radio stations have emerged as a critical part of the anti-coup movement: they can project and expand the many voices of resistance while at the same time they are able to reach and educate listeners who may not have been in the streets in the days following the coup.

No Justice, No Peace: Canadian Mining in Ecuador and Impunity
On December 2, 2006, 14 paramilitaries armed with 38-caliber guns and pepper spray fired into a group of unarmed Ecuadorian campesinos from a community that has been resisting a copper mining project for over a decade. Thankfully no one was killed, but there were several injuries, not to mention the psychological suffering caused by such a vicious attack.

Globalizing the Struggle: Women’s Voices from the Mesoamerican People’s Forum in Mexico
The Mesoamerican Peoples Forum was launched in 2001 in Tamaulipas, Mexico to combat Plan Puebla Panama. Over 500 people gathered for this year’s VIII Mesoamerican Peoples forum in Minatitlan, Mexico in April.

Martelly-Clinton Seal Deal for Next Wave of Disaster Capitalism in Haiti
Perhaps the most frank admission of what the struggling Haitian people can expect in the coming years was summed up in Clinton’s praise for the joint effort between the U.S. and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) to build a new industrial park close to Cap Haiten.

Rebellion in the Brazilian Amazon

From The “Dirty War” to Poisoned Food: The World According to Marie-Monique Robin
Marie-Monique Robin’s investigation Death Squadrons: The French School helped shed light on the terrorist acts committed by the State during Argentina’s Dirty War. Recently she testified in two lawsuits concerning crimes against humanity in Argentina. Her new book, Our Daily Poison, investigates the pollutants that contaminate the production of food, and the corporations that want to cover them up.
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