Águilas Negras: Rising from the Ashes of Demobilization in Colombia

Latin America and the US: Social Movements Are the Engines of Change
“The past ten years in Latin America have seen a historic shift to the left in the halls of government power and the streets, so it makes sense that people in the US need to learn from these examples if we are to break out of the stranglehold of our stagnant political culture,” Ben Dangl explains in this interview. […]

Peru: Humala and Fujimori in Final Stretch
If retired military officer Ollanta Humala wins the Jun. 5 presidential runoff in Peru, he will have to govern with a highly fragmented Congress. And if lawmaker Keiko Fujimori triumphs, her most notable move may be the release of her father, former president Alberto Fujimori, who is serving 25 years in prison. […]

From the Lacandon Jungle to the CPR-Salvador Fajardo: Settlements of the Displaced
“The CPRs [Communities of Popular Resistance] exist because the army has forced us to resist. We carry with us the scraps of bombs and bullets that you tried to kill us with. (…)You know very well that we are not guerrillas, but rather peasants, civilians… The Constitution gives us the right to resist when you place yourself above the reproach of civil society, when you persecute us, when you kidnap us illegally, when you have poisoned our rivers and tried to kill us by starvation.” ~ Message to the Guatemalan Army from the CPRs.

An Inconvenient Truth in Honduras

Cooperatives in Venezuela Promote Solidarity, Equality and Dignity
The social program, Mision Vuelvan Caras, was created in 2004 as a government initiative which promoted the formation of cooperatives, small-scale worker-owned and managed businesses. The state provided credits for capital investment, tax breaks, contracts and incentives for cooperatives, and intensive free-of-charge job training and administrative support.

Peru’s Presidential Elections: Campaigning a World Away From Reality
General elections are to take place in Peru on Sunday, April 10th. While the media and the majority of the Presidential candidates avoid serious debate and try to continue with “business as usual”, voters in Peru look set to express their desire for change as left leaning Ollanta Humala tops the polls.

Resource Control and Military Might: The Future of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands
This April Marks the 29th anniversary of the Falklands War, which claimed the lives of 650 Argentines and 258 British soldiers. But beyond the battle is a territorial dispute that has raged for 178 years and shows no sign of disappearing. […]

Sacred Indigenous Site in Mexico Threatened by Canadian Mining Company
Every year, the Wixarika (Huichol) indigenous people of central west México walk 500 km to the sacred land of Wirikuta, where according to legend, the sun was born. This sacred land is currently under siege by a Vancouver-based mining company.

Towards the Reconstruction of the Country: The Constituent Assembly of Indigenous and Black People of Honduras
From February 21st to 23rd, the Constituent Assembly of Indigenous and Black People of Honduras held a forum in San Juan Durugubuty. Called by the main civil society organizations of the country, the assembled communities sought to collect and systematize the proposals of the Garifuna people and of the seven indigenous groups of the country for a new Constitution.