Why Obama Should Meet With Hugo Chavez
With gestures of good will from
With gestures of good will from
In this interview Mark Meinster, the International Representative for the United Electrical Workers (UE) – the union the Republic workers belong to – talks about his role as the coordinator for the December 2008 factory occupation in Chicago, connections between the struggle of the Republic workers and workers struggles and tactics in South America, the fight to re-open the plant, and what the Republic workers’ strategies say about social change in an economic downturn. […]
Set in a landscape of dry brown hills and arroyos flooded with dust, Cochabamba, Bolivia’s third-largest city, is not rich in water. Seen from the air in early September, at the tail end of the southern winter, the land is brown and barren from the ridgetops to the river valleys. A warm wind blows dust in billowing clouds. […]
On January 18, 2009, El Salvador will hold its sixth municipal and legislative elections since the 1992 signing of the Peace Accords. This year national politicians and international officials are aiming for the most transparent and clean to date, but popular sectors criticize the electoral system and predict that past problems are likely to occur again. […]
The ongoing conflict over mining in Ecuador escalated this week as blockades shut down highways throughout the country’s Southern Andean highlands and Amazon rainforest, while nationwide protests have been called for January 20. […]
Since the Israeli military operations against
The popular campaign to annul an impunity law that has protected many Uruguayan officials from prosecution for human rights abuses committed over two decades ago continues even as a hotly contested presidential election has begun to dominate political discussion in the small Southern Cone country. […]
Salvadoran Supreme Court agrees to hear environmental damage claims after bribery and heavy police violence fail to fracture opposition to the construction of private waste dump. This class action suit first in El Salvador’s history. […]
With a new
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Longtime activist and author Edward S. Herman was interviewed in
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