United for Change in El Salvador: Video on 2009 Elections
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In response to the G20 Summit in Washington D.C. last month, Chavez established an equivalent, the ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas) Summit in Caracas in November. This 6-member group represents an alternative vision to neoliberal economics, one with a socialist agenda in trade relations attempting to re-embed ‘the social’ back into economic and political relations in the region. […]
As an emerging lobby advocates for the institutionalization of a controversial doctrine of "humanitarian imperialism," and a new administration that is friendly to this doctrine gets set to occupy the White House, a reminder of the case of Haiti points to the potential dangers posed by an "operationalized" Responsibility to Protect (R2P) norm. […]
A Canadian mining company intends to sue El Salvador’s government for several hundred million dollars if it is not granted permission to open a widely unpopular gold and silver mine that scientists warn would have devastating effects on local water supplies.
People in the US seeking ways to confront the economic crisis could follow the lead of South American social movements. From Argentina to Venezuela, many movements have won victories against the same systems of corporate greed and political corruption that produce economic strife across the hemisphere. […]
They were from trade unions, social movements, organizations of relatives of the “disappeared,” student groups, political groups, social workers and many more. Some had never met nor marched together before but on the December 12th they united under a common banner and with drums, fireworks, flags, puppets and chants sent a clear message to the Government of Argentina: Hunger is a Crime. […]
Bolivia, a country used to being ignored by the western media, has hit the headlines in recent months due to the marked increase in violence among opponents and supporters of the government. […]
The demonstrators dressed in brightly colored outfits sang their song of protest proudly, but it was really only symbolic. Shock troops moved in waving their batons, and beating with impunity. They rounded up the dissidents and carried them off to be disposed of. In real life a few decades ago, they would have been brought in to the basement or back room of Brazil’s Federal Police Department. […]
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