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Danger Ahead: Correa Gives Mining the Green Light in Ecuador

November 12, 2008 Jennifer Moore 0

Band at anti-mining march

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa  has been celebrating a major victory since the new Ecuadorian constitution passed with 64% approval on Sept. 28. However, Correas says there is a "danger" to the realization of his plitical project. Remarkably, it’s not transnational corporations or the country’s oligarchy the president is worried about—it’s environmental, indigenous and leftist groups who are staunchly opposed to metal mining.


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Racism, Immigration and Profit

November 11, 2008 Shamus Cooke 0

To recognize the immigration issue for what it is — a classic example of the divide and conquer tactic — is the first step toward approaching the topic with an informed perspective. Employers benefit from a divided workforce, with the categories of “legal” and “illegal” being especially useful. In the same vein, the mega corporations who control the government benefit from a divided society. […]

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Connecting Struggles: Documentation from the Social Forum of the Americas

November 10, 2008 Maggie Von Vogt 0

March on Oct 12

The campus of the University of San Carlos, Guatemala City, rich with a history of youth and student movements, was the site of the Third Americas Social Forum from October 7-12 12, 2008. Those who attended the forum, participated in workshops, marches, and cultural events towards the goal of connecting and strengthening movements for justice and liberation in the face of neoliberalism, imperialism, and capitalism.


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Activists Decry Arrest of APPO Members in Brad Will Murder

November 7, 2008 Kari Lydersen 0

Brad Will

Video footage shot as NY journalist Brad Will was gunned down in Santa Lucia del Camino, Oaxaca on Oct. 27, 2006 show police officer Juan Carlo Soriano running with an automatic rifle and Santa Lucia del Camino mayor Pedro Carmona firing a gun. Witnesses say these men along with PRI government official Abel Santiago Zarate and town official Orlando Manuel Aguilar Coello were Will’s killers. Yet now an APPO activist, Juan Manuel Martinez, is in prison charged with Will’s murder. […]

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Whither Ecuador? An Interview with Indigenous Activist and Politician Monica Chuji

November 6, 2008 Daniel Denvir 0

Monica Chuji

Monica Chuji is an indigenous Kichwa activist from the Ecuadorian Amazon. She served as an Assembly Member from President Rafael Correa’s Alianza País party in the National Constituent Assembly, drafting Ecuador’s new constitution. In September, she broke with Correa and left Alianza País, the culmination of months of increasing conflict between the President and Ecuador’s social and indigenous movements. […]

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