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Bolivia: Violent Groups Take Over Human Rights Organization

On September 9th a group of approximately 50 vandals entered by force, completely sacked and set on fire the offices of the Center for Juridical Studies and Social Investigation (CEJIS) in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Eastern Bolivia. At 6 PM, three 4×4 vehicles and other motor vehicles arrived at the doors of the institution, from which descended youth armed with sticks, knives, torches and stones.

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Bolivia: U.S. Ambassador Expelled for Allegedly Supporting Violent Opposition

September 11, 2008 Franz Chávez 0

Philip Goldberg

Bolivian President Evo Morales has declared U.S. Ambassador to La Paz Philip Goldberg "persona non grata", after accusing him of aiding and abetting pro-autonomy opposition groups that are blocking highways and occupying government buildings, reducing the supply of natural gas to Brazil. "I am not afraid of anyone, not even the empire (the United States)," Morales said. […]

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Revolution! New Book Charts Roller Coaster Ride of South American Left

September 8, 2008 Benjamin Dangl 0

Throughout the past eight years of the Bush administration, North and South America have politically and economically been heading in opposite directions. While Bush waged wars, curtailed civil liberties and spread neoliberalism, South Americans stopped corporate looting, ousted corrupt presidents and developed economies for people instead of profit. Journalist Nikolas Kozloff’s new book, Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left looks behind the scenes and politics of this changing continent. […]

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P-MAS in Paraguay: Young Socialists Build a New Party from the Ground Up

September 8, 2008 Clifton Ross 0

The Party of the Movement Toward Socialism (P-MAS), has become a force to be reckoned with on the political stage of Paraguay. P-MAS is one of Latin America’s newest Socialist parties — it’s barely two years old, and the average age of its members is 25 — but it has already hit the radar screen of those following the political processes of Latin America. […]

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Venezuela: Creating an Endogenous Cooperative Culture

September 4, 2008 April Howard 0

Since 1998, the government of President Hugo Chavez has embarked on wide ranging projects to redistribute Venezuelan resources and services. A focus on educating Venezuelans to form state supported cooperatives has created over 227,000 new cooperatives since 1999. A look at pre-Chavez coops and the growth of coops over the last eight years in Venezuela shows the challenge of managing this exploding sector which now accounts for 14% of the country’s GDP. […]

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Interview with Former Bolivian Justice Minister Casimira Rodríguez

September 4, 2008 Nancy Romer 0

Casimira Rodríguez

Casimira Rodríguez spent decades organizing her fellow domestic workers into a union, which she founded in 1985. When Bolivian Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia, he tapped Rodríguez to become the nation’s Justice Minister, a post she held for year. She spoke with Nancy Romer about her experience in government, the opposition to the government, the president’s relationship with social movements, and even offered advice to U.S. workers. […]

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Lugo Faces First Challenges: Coup Plots and the Multi-Ring Political Circus of Paraguay

September 2, 2008 Clifton Ross 0

Very few who followed the political circus in Paraguay over the past two weeks were surprised when President Fernando Lugo announced that ex-General Lino Oviedo and ex-President Nicanor Duarte Frutos were plotting a coup d’etat. Lugo won the presidency in a contest between Colorado Party candidate Blanca Ovelar and ex-General Oviedo on April 20th and, on August 15, Nicanor Duarte stepped down from the post as Lugo was sworn in. […]

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