
Uribe’s Colombia Destabilizing Latin America
A few weeks after the Ecuadorian and Venezuelan state called on the Colombian government to respect the need for peace and negotiation with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), the administration of Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010) supported an extensive armed air and land assault against the insurgency movement – not within Colombia’s borders but rather on the sovereign territory of Ecuadorian soil.
Colombian Military Incursion Into Ecuador Sparks Regional Crisis
The move against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was immediately denounced by leaders across Latin America as an attack on Ecuador’s territorial sovereignty. These two central facts—that Colombia initiated the crisis and that the attack was widely condemned—would be hard to glean from the pages of The New York Times and other major U.S. media. […]

The Cost of Power: Coal Mining and Human Rights in Colombia
First of all, I would thank the organizations that allowed me, Orlando Acosta, a representative of the workers in the mining and energy sector in Colombia, to discuss the impact of North American, Swiss, and [South] African multinationals on these countries that are full of wealth, and go there with the objective of taking away resources, with no regard for communities and the people of Colombia. […]

Colombia Menaces the Region: Interview with Fred Fuentes in Caracas
Source: Vensol.blogspot.com Interview with Fred Fuentes in Caracas, Venezuela with breaking news on the conflict. Download the MP3 interview here

Colombia Assassinates Raul Reyes of FARC
The second-in-command of FARC, "Raul Reyes" was killed by the Colombian military in bombings in Ecuador on Saturday, March 1st. The Venezuelan government’s official communication noted that the assassination was "a very hard blow against the humanitarian accord and the possibility of negotiations…" […]

El Salvador: 50 Days Later, No Answers in Murder of Alegría Mayor
On the morning of January 9th, leaders from the rural community of Las Casitas in the municipality of Alegría, Usulután waited for the arrival of their mayor and his staff to discuss the construction of a soccer field in their community. But Moises Funes, the 31-year-old mayor from the FMLN party, never arrived. […]

Land Dispute in Guatemala Ends Peacefully, For Now
Several hundred Guatemalan campesinos took 30 police officers hostage last Thursday in response to the jailing of a local farm leader and to demand that land they had been occupying for the last 10 years be legalized by the Guatemalan government. Ramiro Choc, the farmer arrested earlier this month on charges of robbery and illegally occupying land, remains in jail. […]

Peru: Four Dead After Government Crackdown on Protests Against US Trade Deal
A two-day national agrarian strike against a pending Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States ended on Wednesday February 20th, leaving four farmers dead after President Alan Garcia declared a state of emergency and ordered a violent crackdown. […]