
Peruvian Media Portrays New Student Leaders as Terrorists
In this interview, student leader Jhon Ochoa describes how students rebuilt a movement after the dictatorship of Fujimori, and explains that student activists are not terrorists as they have been portrayed by the media and the administration of La Cantuta University.

The Militarization of the World’s Urban Peripheries
Urban peripheries have become war zones where states attempt to maintain order based on the establishment of a sort of "sanitary cordon" to keep the poor isolated from "normal" society. What can come of the isolation and militarization of the places where a third of the world’s population live? […]

Uruguay: Building Autonomy, One Co-op at a Time
It’s a social movement and a housing cooperative, a massive self-help program for the poor and a new way of life for thousands. With 20,000 member-families living in cooperatively owned homes in 400 communities across the country, it is one of the largest and most radical housing cooperative federations in the Americas. […]