US Congress Passes Free Trade Deal with Peru
A new trade deal with Peru that passed in the US Congress last week boasts non-binding labor and environmental concessions, and promises more of the same damages to both countries.
[…]A new trade deal with Peru that passed in the US Congress last week boasts non-binding labor and environmental concessions, and promises more of the same damages to both countries.
[…]In this interview, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera says the internal conflicts are to be expected as Bolivian society takes on "the two conquests of equality." […]
On indigenous and popular politics in
When Manuel Zelaya Rosales of the center-left Liberal Party was elected president of Honduras in November 2005, many in the country and internationally heralded him as the latest member of Latin America’s “New Left” club. […]
Swedish company Skanska’s oil affairs in Latin America demonstrate ethical and legal infractions including falsified invoices, bribery scandals, extortion, environmental destruction and serious violations of human rights.
As Latin American citizens elect more left-leaning leaders, countries are increasingly turning away from multinational energy companies and shifting their energy policies inward, nationally and regionally. […]
The community of Tekojoja in Eastern Paraguay has once again found itself under attack, and the Popular Agrarian Movement (Movimiento Agrario y Popular, MAP), the peasant organization involved in the community, is publicly denouncing those responsible. […]
"The coca gives us food. It takes care of our education and healthcare," Bolivian Cocalera Leonilda Zurita said. "I produce coca for my children, because if I die tomorrow, they will be able to continue to eat, thanks to this bit of coca."
Far from the environmentally friendly company it claims to be, Swedish construction company Skanska’s cosmetic discourse on development and progress is racist and colonialist in practice.
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