Mexico: The Moral and Organizational Strength of the EZLN

December 31, 2012 Jaime Martínez Veloz 0

Next 1st of January will mark the first 18 years of the armed uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). A country that was on the threshold of modernity was surprised that thousands of insurgents, mostly indigenous, had taken up arms as a last resort, to fight for a better life for indigenous peoples and for the country.


A Year of Progress in Argentina’s Human Rights Trials

December 30, 2012 Marcela Valente 0

This year Argentina’s justice system made strides in speeding up human rights cases, and dozens of defendants were convicted, three decades after the end of the 1976-1983 dictatorship. Figures from the “prosecution unit for the coordination and monitoring of cases involving human rights violations committed during the state terrorism” indicate that nearly 400 suspects were tried this year, and that 86 of them were sentenced, 72 of them for the first time.


Zapatista March: The Deafening Silence of Resurgence

December 22, 2012 Tim Russo, Photos by Tim Russo 0

Yesterday’s weapon, differing from the 1994 armed indigenous uprising, was the Zapatista silence, their moral authority, the echo of a unified and deafening silence that shouted YA BASTA! once again. A silence that in their massive presence in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Ocosingo, Altamirano, Las Margaritas and Palenque shouted without a word that the a new Mayan era has begun and the Zapatistas are present.


Guatemala-Canada: Clashing World Views at a Crossroads

December 19, 2012 Grahame Russell 0

Recently, I had a front row seat to the colliding of world visions and realities in the heart and center of Canada’s financial district in downtown Toronto. From November 23-30, five Mayan Qeqchi [Kek’Chi] people came to Toronto to pursue justice and remedy for violations and harms they suffered due to the nickel mining interests of Canadian mining company Hudbay Minerals.


Colombia: Dismantling a Half-Century of Conflict

December 19, 2012 Raúl Zibechi 0

The negotiations between the government and the guerrilla forces are seen by a large part of the Colombian public as a good opportunity to seal a peace deal. Many believe that the hour has come and that the main actors in the conflict will not let this opportunity escape. The reality, however, is much more complicated.


Soccer and Sea Turtles: Community Conservation in Guatemala

December 19, 2012 Sarah Lucas and Matt Schwartz 0

In the coastal village of La Barrona, residents make their living through small scale fishing, and sea turtle egg harvesting, and build their houses and fires from the local Mangrove forests. These are all resources that will dry up if not cared for, particularly the eggs of the vulnerable olive ridley sea turtle. UK-based non-profit Akazul and former turtle egg collector Melvin Monterroso created a soccer and environmental education program to teach children to learn to conserve the community’s resources.


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Venezuela’s 2012 State Election: Lessons for Chavismo and the Opposition

December 19, 2012 Ewan Robertson 0

While the voting trends described above do not show a sudden surge in support for the PSUV beyond previous levels, it would certainly be fair to say that the PSUV managed to hold up their vote well across the country in an election marked by lower levels of participation, and in particular managed to increase their absolute vote in key “swing” states to make gains from the opposition.


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Big Landowners Block Rural Development Law in Guatemala

December 18, 2012 Danilo Valladares 0

An “integral rural development law” to promote access to land, employment and other rights for small farmers is bogged down in the Guatemalan Congress due to opposition from large landowners, who see it as an attempt at land reform. “The bill contains 10 proposals that would contribute particularly to development for women and indigenous rural communities,” said activist Irene Barrientos, of the Committee of Campesino Unity.


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Americas: Human Rights Defenders Increasingly Targeted and Attacked

December 14, 2012 Amnesty International 0

Human rights defenders across the Americas are facing escalating levels of intimidation, harassment and attacks at the hands of state security forces, paramilitary groups and organized crime, Amnesty International said in a new report today. The report Transforming pain into hope: Human rights defenders in the Americas, is based on around 300 cases of intimidation, harassment, attacks and killings of human rights defenders in more than a dozen countries primarily between January 2010 and September 2012.


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