Colombia: Minga of Resistance Launched against Quimbo Dam and Other Resource Extraction Projects

August 6, 2012 Polinizaciones 0

In the weeks following the Festival of the Sun that culminated June 26th in the park of the town of Gigante, the Movement for the Defense and the Liberation of Mother Earth has been preparing for the next Minga. A traditional Andean practice of collective and communal work, in recent years the Minga has gathered strength in indigenous communities as a collective and communal mobilization in defense of territories that have been assaulted by state policies of militarization and resource extraction.


Territories in Resistance: A Cartography of Latin American Social Movements – Excerpt From Book

A community has an emancipatory approach to health care when it recovers its own healing powers, which have been expropriated by the medical industry and the state, and liberates itself from the control that capital exercises over health care through multinational pharmaceuticals. Zapatista health care practices, as well as those of many indigenous peoples and piqueteros groups, share many commonalities despite their enormous cultural differences.


Colombia: Indigenous Nasa Resist Militarization in Cauca

July 31, 2012 Gina Spigarelli 0

On July 11, the indigenous Nasa of Cauca, Colombia began confronting armed groups face to face while peacefully asking them to leave Nasa territories. They removed police trenches from the urban center and disassembled homemade FARC missiles found on their lands. On July 16, when the military had yet to retreat from indigenous lands by the proposed deadline of the previous day, the Nasa forcibly removed troops from El Berlin’s mountaintop base.


Photo Essay: National March Against the Imposition of Nieto as President in Mexico

July 31, 2012 Clayton Conn 0

Tens of thousands marched throughout major Mexican cities on July 21 to decry the outcome of the July 1 presidential elections, which gave Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate Enrique Peña Nieto the win. The call to march came out of last weekend’s National Convention Against the Imposition. Spearheaded by the unions and the YoSoy132 student movement, the march was a rejection of what many call as an “imposition” of Nieto’s presidential win through voter buying and electoral fraud conducted by his once-ruling party the PRI.


Hemispheric Resistance to Canadian Mining

July 27, 2012 Sandra Cuffe 0

From Canada to Argentina, preparations are well underway for the Continental Day of Action Against Canadian Mega Resource Extraction on August 1. Participating organizations’ demands range from divestment to putting people before profit. Communities and organizers resisting extractive industry projects in Latin America continue to face displacement, harassment, threats, and death, often dismissed as part of unrelated violence and conflicts.


Right-wing participation in civil society mobilization reveals political motivations behind the “conflict of powers” in El Salvador

El Salvador’s governing leftist party, the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), denounced the right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) party for “generating disorder, chaos [and] violence in the streets, including throwing tear gas at the police, beating people up” as tactics to “promote an environment of un-governability” in El Salvador.


Operation Injustice: Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Human Rights Defenders and Community Leaders Face Mass Arrests and Arbitrary Detention

July 24, 2012 Heidi Andrea Rhodes 0

Throughout June 2012, dozens of indigenous and AfroColombian civilians, human rights defenders, community leaders, and politicians in the department of Cauca were arrested under suspicion of guerrilla collaboration. These arrests are part of the new counterinsurgency strategy of the Colombian government – Operation Sword of Honor.


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