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The Year in Revolts: A South American Perspective of the Arab Spring

October 12, 2011 Cristina Cielo 0

In this year of growing popular protests worldwide, demands for political and economic equality have burst forth in the Middle East, Europe and even in the United States. Further south in the Americas, civil society organization over the past decade brought social movement leaders to state power and marginalized peoples’ rights to national agendas. In this interview, Uruguayan intellectual and journalist Raúl Zibechi gives us a South American perspective of the momentous changes taking place globally, through a focus on the inaugural mobilizations in the Middle East.


Ecuador: Criminalization of the Social Protest in Times of the ‘Citizen Revolution’

During the constituent process of 2008, Ecuador’s social movements successfully introduced essential guarantees of certain rights for the transformation towards a fairer society and at the same time, in harmony with nature. Despite these achievements concerning basic rights, since 2008 the criminalization of the social protest has grown and has affected social leaders, teachers, students, public workers, journalists, indigenous people and rural communities.


Book Review – Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care

September 27, 2011 Ramona Wadi 0

Modelled on Che Guevara’s principles and keeping in line with the Cuban revolution, Steve Brouwer’s assessment of Cuba’s health care system in his book Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care (Monthly Review Press, July 2011) stands as a testimony to answer anyone claiming that socialism cannot function. 


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