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El “Técnico” y el “Pepe”: Seeking Electoral Unity in Uruguay

October 29, 2008 Joshua Frens-String 0

With electoral campaigning ahead of the October 2009 elections kicking into high gear, the two presidential frontrunners for the “broad front” coalition—a former professor and the ex-Minister of Economy, Danilo Astori, and the ex-Minister of Agriculture and one-time guerrilla, José “el Pepe” Mujica—are living reminders of the road the Uruguayan left has traveled and the unique path on which it hopes to continue governing. […]

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Uruguay: The Politics of Recent History

September 15, 2008 Joshua Frens-String 0

Today, as Uruguay finds itself governed by the first non-traditional party in its history, composed of parties once repressed by authoritarianism, very distinct questions and contemporary considerations stimulate the reconstruction of an era now part of the historical past. […]

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The Soybean Crop in Uruguay: The Creation of a Power Block

July 15, 2008 Raúl Zibechi 0

Photo: Indymedia Uruguay

In Uruguay, as in all other countries in the region, the expansion of single-crop agriculture (monoculture) combined with the powerful presence of agri-multinationals, has led to the creation of new power blocks. This in turn creates a policy environment where important decisions are made to facilitate these groups. […]

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Uruguay: Spirit of Afro Resistance Alive in Candombe

February 21, 2008 Marie Trigona 0

In the streets of Montevideo, Uruguay, Afro-Uruguayans celebrate an often-ignored part of their history – Candombe and resistance. For more than 200 years Afro descendants have maintained the tradition of Candombe, a rhythm that traveled from Africa to Uruguay with African slaves. The music carries centuries of resistance and liberation.


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Uruguay: Building Autonomy, One Co-op at a Time

February 13, 2008 Michael Fox 0

It’s a social movement and a housing cooperative, a massive self-help program for the poor and a new way of life for thousands. With 20,000 member-families living in cooperatively owned homes in 400 communities across the country, it is one of the largest and most radical housing cooperative federations in the Americas. […]

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Without a Boss: A Worker-Run Textile Factory in Montevideo, Uruguay

October 19, 2005 Diego Rosemberg 0

The story is very similar to that of Brukman.* A factory of suits and coats owes large amounts of back pay to its workers. After several attempts at negotiation the seamstresses decide to take the factory. They occupy it once, and are thrown out. They return to enter, this time with tactics straight out of a movie, and they are tossed into the street again. The third time is victory. Now they produce 2,500 garments a month.


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Uruguay’s New Government (6/22/05)

October 16, 2005 Gregory Sica 0

March 1st 2005, marked a huge political change in one of South America’s smallest countries. Uruguay welcomed its new president Tabare Vasquez, leader of the ‘Frente Amplio,’ at the parliament house in Montevideo in front […]

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