Manifesto: We support Alberto Acosta’s candidacy
Source: Rebelión
The undersigned writers, artists, academics, workers from society in general, profoundly concerned by the political, socio-economic and cultural dilemma currently affecting our Ecuadorian society; a situation that oscillates between the unflappable authoritarian neo-populism in power and the reappearance of neoliberal and anti-popular leanings; aware of the need to reestablish a sense of ethics and respect for the principles of Law in the everyday political and social lives of Ecuadorians, including the promotion of and respect for Human Rights in its totality as well as an urgent need to finally promote a State of rights, guarantees, and liberty, just as the current Constitution and history stipulates;
We resolve to:
Decisively support Alberto Acosta’s candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic, as an expression of the plurinational unity of the left and the social movements, as well as the more profound and authentic historical aspirations of the Ecuadorian people, among them:
- The definitive configuration of Ecuador as a plurinational state and, at the same time, the strengthening of the “good living” or “Sumak Kawsay” policy: a superior way of living based on respect for diversity, Human Rights and Collective Rights, on a system of freedom, on the promotion of real democracy and on the development of harmonious and inclusive human dignity;
- The adoption of a decidedly anti-imperialist policy on an international level that defends the dignity and independence of the people, promotes full respect for human rights, in all latitudes and propensities, and at the same time, encourages the eradication of anti-human and anti-historical situations such as the persistence of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the reluctance of some states to recognise Palestine as a sovereign and independent state;
- The transformation of the socio-economic structure of the country, so the entrepreneurial and creative spirit of every man and woman can fully flourish, far away from the neoliberal, paternalist, neopopulist politics that has caused so much damage to Ecuadorian people, of which, among other measures, should be highlighted the adoption of genuine agrarian reform, the uncompromising fight against corruption, and the deconcentration of agro-industrial and financial capital – manifestations of capitalist ideas that impede the country from moving towards authentic human development and independence;
- The development of a policy that defends the rights of nature and the right for current and future generations to live in a sustainable environment, which entails the rejection of extractivist policies and the unlimited defense of the intangible nature of Ecuador’s natural heritage, and also of humanity, such as the Yasuní-ITT and others;
- The adoption of cultural policies that, through the adequate provision of resources, encourages and boosts creativity in all sectors of Ecuadorian society – urban, rural, among the indigenous people and Afro-Ecuadorian communities – in a climate of respect for diversity and for the right for each collective entity or individual to discover and use their creative energy without restriction or state or para-state guidelines of any sort. This also brings with it, a fight for Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana’s (House of Ecuadorian Culture) complete autonomy to convert it into a bastion and symbol of an authentic, democratic and progressive culture; something which in reality was never, except for brief periods, effective and less even in present times.
- The restitution, without conditions placed upon it, of university autonomy – another popular conquest that has been subdued by the anti-constitutional manoeuvring of the current government.
Provided by all the provinces throughout the country, January 2013.
Adolfo Moreno Bravo
Adriana Oña
Alberto Yumbay
Alejandra Santillana
Alejandro Moreano
Alex Remache
Alexander Zapatta
Alexandra Duarte
Andrés Guerrero
Antonio Gaybor Tobar
Arturo Quizhpe
Arturo Villavicencio
Atawallpa Oviedo
Benjamín Macas
Boris Tobar Solano
Carlos Andrés Pástor Pazmiño
Carlos Carrión
Carlos de la Torre
Carlos Figueroa
Carlos Moreno Sánchez
Carlos Pérez Guartambel
Carmen Barrera
Carolina Viola
Cecilia Chacón Castillo
Cecilia Jaramillo
Cecilia Villacís
Claudio Pacheco Portilla
Cristóbal Corral
Cristóbal Pecas Corral
Danny Hurtado
Decio Machado
Delfín Tenesaca
Diego Oña Almeida
Diego Ortiz
Diego Velasco
Dorys Patricia Ortiz Rodríguez
Edgar Isch
Eduardo Chancay López
Edwar Vargas
Eliana Franco
Erika Arteaga Cruz
Esperanza Martínez
Eulalia Flor
Fabián Carrión Jaramillo
Fabián Mejía
Federico Koelle D.
Fernanda Solíz
Fernando Loayza
Fernando López
Fernando Muñoz-Miño
Fernando Ruiz
Fernando Vega
Fidel Ernesto Viteri Tamayo
Floresmilo Simbaña
Francisco Hidalgo
Francisco Muñoz
Francisco Proaño Arandi
Galaxis Borja González
Galo Mendoza Vega
Galo Ramón Valarezo
Gilda Guamán Salazar
Gloria Chicaiza
Gualdemar Jiménez
Gustavo Abad
Gustavo Darquea
Hernán Ibarra
Ileana Almeida
Ivanova Nieto
Ivonne Yánez
Ivonne Zúñiga
Jorge Oviedo Carrillo
José Cueva
José Poma
José Ribadeneira
Juan Borja Vivero
Juan Carlos Guevara
Kléver Vásquez
Laura Buitrón
Lautaro Ojeda Segovia
Lenin Oña
Ligia Rodriguez
Lina Cahuasquí
Luis Antonio Moreno
Luis Macas
Luis Proaño
Luis Robalino Fernández
Manuel Muñoz
Manuela Gallegos Anda
Manuela Sánchez Noriega
Marcela Moreno
Marco Cedillo Cobos
Marco León Siza
Marco Romero
Margarita Aguinaga
María Arboleda
María Fernanda Vallejo
María Geraldina Merchán
Mario Bustos
Mario Melo
Mario Unda
Mario Yaucen
Martha Cabezas
Martha Núñez
Mateo Martínez Abarca
Mayra Aguirre Robayo
Miguel Andrade
Mónica Chuji
Mónica Pastrano
Nancy Gabriela Burneo
Napoleón Saltos
Natalia Greene
Natalia Sierra
Nelson Reascos
Nora Fernández
Omar Bonilla
Pablo Dávalos
Pablo Duque
Pablo Iturralde
Pablo Ospina Peralta
Pablo Piedra Vivar
Pablo Suárez
Pacha Cabascango
Patricia Sánchez Gallegos
Patricio Vallejo Aristizábal
Paulina Garzón
Pedro Moreno
Pocho Álvarez
Rafael Polo
Ramiro Avila Santamaría
Raúl Ilaquiche
Renato Landín
René Báez
Ricardo Buitrón
Ricardo Ramírez Aguirre
Rosa María Torres del Castillo
Rosa Rodríguez
Rubén Tinajero
Sandra Tituaña
Silvia Vega Ugalde
Sofía Ortega Fernández
Soledad Mena Andrade
Stalin Gonzalo Herrera
Suaky Vintimilla
Tania Roura
Tarquino Cajamarca
Teresa Ramírez
Tomás Quevedo Ramírez
Trinidad Pérez
Verónica Albuja M.
Victor Granda Aguilar
Victoria Carrasco
William Sacher
Wilman Benalcázar
Wilman Merino
Wladimir Sierra
Xavier Guachamín
Ximena Ortiz
Yvonne Zúñiga