Ecuador: CONFENIAE Condemns Decree 1780 and the Militarization of their Territories


The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon "CONFENIAE" composed of 10 nationalities, Siona, Secoya, Cofán, Waorani, Shuar, Achuar, Shiwiar, Kichwa, Ando and Zápara considers that "the prevailing arrogant and dictatorial political regime of the current Government of President Correa, violates the precepts of Constitutional Rights of the Republic, the principles of the ILO Convention 169, and the rights affirmed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples".


They further note that "the regime of Rafael Correa is provoking political and social disorder in the Amazon Region disregarding Ancestral Territorial Rights of Indigenous Nationalities and Peoples, by the intrusion of military forces and surrender to the national and transnational oil and mining companies of our territories, with a clear plan to create the looting, subjugation and misery of our communities".


The national government through Decree 1780 of 12 June 2009, published in Official Registry 620, intends to re-evangelize and submit the Amazonian Nationalities to a policy imposing the totalitarian regime of foreign religions as part of macabre plan to exterminate the identity, existence and Self-Determination of the Ancestral Nationalities and Peoples, notes the disseminated press release.


The resolution of the CONFENIAE signed by its newly elected president, Tito Puanchir, states:


1. We guarantee Direct Actions by the 10 Indigenous Nationalities of the Amazon Region and hold the Government of Rafael Correa responsible for the adverse consequences that are generated as a result of the indigenous struggle to defend our territorial rights, defending ourselves against the government’s goal to disorient and break our organizational structure and the way of life of our Nationalities.


2. We reaffirm definitely not to allow the practice or implementation on our territories of the system of Modus Vivendi signed between Ecuador and the Holy See and the additional agreement signed on July 24, 1937, which empowers the missionaries of any religious cult to enter our territories and evangelize, and to create structures within our territories with privileges and contracts with the Ministries of State to conduct development projects inconsistent with the same Decree 1780 of June 12, 2009


3. We denounce and demand before the international organizations of Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the United Nations, OAS, Andean Parliament, COICA, the UN Special Rapporteur, Amnesty International, Survival International, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and ILO, that the government of President Rafael Correa of Ecuador respect our process of Self Determination and the implementation of our Autonomous Territorial Governments.