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Uribe’s Undemocratic and Insecure Colombia

May 24, 2006 Michèal Ó Tuathail 0


Colombians will soon vote in presidential elections, the outcome of which will be crucial for prospects for peace in the country. For the first time in 50 years, an incumbent president is seeking re-election and most of the domestic and international media predict that President Álvaro Uribe Vélez will win. What could four more years of Uribe mean for Colombia? To answer this question, we must observe his administration’s imprint on the last four years.  


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Nicaraguan Doctors Strike Ends

May 18, 2006 0

Two-thousand doctors from Nicaragua’s public hospital system signed an accord with the Ministry of Health on May 13, ending a six-month strike. Doctors agreed to return to work last Saturday as the government committed to […]

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Indigenous Movements: Between Neoliberalism and Leftist Governments

May 16, 2006 Raúl Zibechi 0

After scoring resounding victories, the indigenous movements of South America are encountering new challenges, both on an institutional and state level, that they have not been able to answer. Expanding on the wide range of experiences and deepening the exchange between organizations appear to be some of the possible routes that lie ahead.


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