A Mining Ban in Honduras?
Honduran Bishop Luis Santos Villeda, with the help of civil society, is making progress in a nationwide effort to ban open-pit mining for minerals. Bishop Santos helped lead a protest on July 25, when hundreds […]
Honduran Bishop Luis Santos Villeda, with the help of civil society, is making progress in a nationwide effort to ban open-pit mining for minerals. Bishop Santos helped lead a protest on July 25, when hundreds […]
Source: Global Policy Forum For several years Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, has been left out of the World Bank’s "Heavily Indebted Poor Country" (HIPC) debt relief initiative. At last, Haiti may […]
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee approved of a Free Trade Agreement with Peru 12-7 in a procedural vote last Friday. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the committee, expects a full vote by September. Senate […]
The Washington Post is upset with Andres Manuel López Obrador. Because Obrador is demanding a recount in an election with several irregularities (if not cases of fraud), the Post suggests he is Stalinist, anti-democratic and […]
Oscar Curtid habló en la radio de mano, "Somos unos 50 más o menos reunidos aquí en Junín listos para bajar." Listos, pareció, para bajar al próximo pueblo donde Ascendant Copper tiene trabajadores acampando cerca […]
A declaration, made as part of the Second Mission in Support of the Kankuamo Indigenous People of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, condemns the repeated violations of international humanitarian laws by the Colombian ‘public […]
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