Information on Washington’s Interference in Bolivian Affairs
Gathered here is a collection of articles, letters, videos, reports, observations and resources regarding
Gathered here is a collection of articles, letters, videos, reports, observations and resources regarding
Fuente: Programa de las Américas Entre diversos movimientos sociales latinomericanos se abre paso una nueva lectura sobre el papel que están jugando las iglesias pentecostales en las barriadas pobres de las periferias urbanas, y las […]
On a cold December night in 1984 in Putis, Peru more than 100 men, women, and children were forced to dig their own graves before being executed with automatic weapons and then buried in shallow earth. What is not known are the identities of the victims or who ordered the massacres or why. Almost 24 years later at least one of these questions has begun to be answered. […]
(IPS) – Opposition governors in Bolivia accepted President Evo Morales’s call for talks aimed at pulling the country out of the current crisis, in which at least 15 supporters of the leftwing government have been […]
Source: NACLA Report on the America In the northwestern sierra of Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela, a cowboys and Indians saga of the twenty-first century is coming to a head. The conflict pits wealthy cattle ranchers (hacendados) […]
Fuente: ABI.bo La COB y el Conalcam acuerdan defender la unidad del país. (ABI) La Paz, 17 sep (ABI).- La Coordinadora Nacional para el Cambio (Conalcam) y la Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) suscribieron la […]
Fuente: Programa de las Américas Versión original: Firsthand Account of Haiti’s Hurricane Suffering: A Call for HelpTraducción por: María Soledad Cervantes Ramírez Estimados Lectores: Presentamos a continuación una carta escrita por Paul Farmer, cofundador de […]
(IPS) – If there ever was a tacit agreement between organised crime and the authorities in Mexico to respect certain boundaries, as some analysts argue, there is now no doubt that it has been breached. […]
Source: Citizens Trade Campaign In an unprecedented move, President Bush sent the U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement to Capitol Hill, ignoring objections of Speaker Pelosi and other congressional leaders. It was the first time in the […]
Upon arriving in Santiago, Chile on September 15 for an emergency meeting of South American heads of state, Bolivian president Evo Morales said, "I have come here to explain to the presidents of South America the civic coup d’etat by Governors in some Bolivian states in recent days." The conflict in Bolivia and the subsequent meeting of presidents raise the questions: What led to this meltdown? Whose side is the Bolivian military on? And what does the Bolivian crisis and regional reaction tell us about the new power bloc of South American nations? […]
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