Month: June 2009

Victory in the Amazon
Source: Americas Program Thousands of indigenous people from the Amazon jungle of Peru accomplished the unthinkable early this month. Their movement to save the Amazon and their communities forced the Peruvian government to roll back […]

New Book Surveys Oaxaca Uprising to Teach Rebellion
Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca (PM Press) teaches us why the 2006 rebellion in Oaxaca, Mexico was so impressive, and is something we can all learn from.

Venezuelan Government: Separatist Opposition Uses Paramilitaries for Destabilization
Source: Venezuela Analysis Venezuelan Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs, Tarek El-Aissami, accused the governors of opposition-controlled states along the Colombian border of permitting bands of Colombian paramilitary troops to destabilize the region and carry […]

Interview with Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa
Source: NACLA Correa casts his ballot on election day. (Courtesy Presidencia) The numbers speak for themselves: In April, Rafael Correa was reelected president of Ecuador with 51 percent of the vote. Correa had a 23-point […]

Gangs, Security and Criminalization: Youth Experiences of Violence in El Salvador
As a result of ever-increasing rates of violence, number of gang members, and citizen insecurity, the government of

Quinoa Plants a Seed for Food Revolution in Colombia
The push to reintroduce long-lost native crops is one expression of Latin America’s burgeoning food sovereignty movement. Governments across Latin America are increasingly concerned with promoting the rural poor’s ability to live self-sufficiently on locally produced goods instead of dumped products often exported from monoculture farms. […]

Indigenous Protest and State Violence in the Peruvian Amazon – How the Media Misrepresents
Source: Amazon Watch Before dawn on Friday, June 5, an estimated 650 Peruvian National Police and Special Forces officers attacked several thousand Awajun and Wambis indigenous people at their roadside blockade on the Fernando Belaunde […]

Masacre en la Amazonia: La guerra por los bienes comunes
Fuente: Programa de las Américas La masacre perpetrada el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, 5 de junio, contra indios amazónicos por el gobierno de Alan García, es el último capítulo de una larga guerra por […]