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The Property Waiver Regime: US Continues Punishing Land Reform in Nicaragua

October 14, 2009 Jamie Way 0

An embittered U.S. policy toward Cuba has extended the reach of this grudge to the rest of the region. Antiquated legislation originally pertaining to Cuba has not only been updated and maintained, but has been applied to the detriment of other countries, including Nicaragua. Nicaragua has given out a significant portion of its annual budget in government bonds to U.S. claimants since 1990 as remuneration for land seized under agrarian reform programs. […]

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Mexico: Disappeared Anti-Mining Activist is Back Fighting

October 13, 2009 Dominique Jarry-Shore 0

Mariano Abarca

On August 17, 2009, masked men carrying high caliber rifles forced anti-mining activist Mariano Abarca, 52, into an unmarked car as he was leaving the primary school in his hometown of Chicomuselo, Chiapas. Held without contact to his family, it was feared he had been kidnapped. But although the detention had all the hallmarks of a kidnapping, it turned out to be a state sanctioned arrest. […]

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Writing on the Wall in Honduras: Graffiti from the Coup Resistance

Even as tireless Honduran protesters approach their 100th day of resistance, continuing to avoiding police tear gas and attend funerals of slain resisters, some facets of quotidian Tegucigalpa life continue under the dictatorship. Yet the literal writing on the walls deny the state of calm that the coup leaders claim exists and expose the state of exception that they impose. These photos capture the ongoing conversations in a shrinking space for expression. […]

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Ecuador: Left Turn?

October 7, 2009 Marc Becker 0

On April 26, 2009, Rafael Correa won re-election to the Ecuadorian presidency with an absolute majority of the vote. The victory cemented Correa’s control over the country as the old political establishment appeared to be in complete collapse. But social movements in Ecuador have become increasingly critical of his populist positioning. Despite Correa’s claims that under his administration the long dark night of neoliberalism is finally over, Indigenous movements have condemned him for continuing basically these same policies through large-scale mineral extractive enterprises. […]

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