Month: October 2010

Chile: Women Sterilized Over HIV Status
(IPS) – When Francisca arrived at the historic Curicó Hospital – a staple in the Chilean central valley for nearly one and a half centuries – for the birth of her first child, she didn’t […]

Peru: Neighbouring Regions Clash Over Water Diversion
(IPS) – With one death and several injured to show for it, two regions in southern Peru remain tangled in conflict over water from one of the country’s main rivers. A project would divert some […]

Violence Against Honduran Resistance Movement, Unionists Continues
Source: In These Times The drum beat of violence and assassinations targeting union members and others in the National Resistance Front continues in Honduras, as human rights defender Berta Oliva described during a Chicago visit […]

Guatemala: Not-So-Magical Realism
Source: Foreign Policy in Focus Writing about it didn’t, alas, prevent it from happening. In the late 1940s, Gore Vidal lived in Guatemala, where he shared a house with the writer Anaïs Nin, lived on […]

Ecuador’s Challenge: Rafael Correa and the Indigenous Movements
The recent right-wing coup attempt in Ecuador shed light on the rupture between President Rafael Correa and the country’s indigenous movements. This rocky relationship demonstrates the challenges of protesting against a leftist leader without empowering the right. […]

Haiti’s Flawed Elections: A Set-Back for the Country’s Political Future-and the Post-Earthquake Rebuilding Process
Source: Louisiana Justice Institute As Haiti prepares to hold Legislative and Presidential Elections on November 28th this year, more questions are being raised regarding whether unfair and exclusionary elections would be beneficiary for the country. […]

Chile Rescue Stirs Up Bitter Memories of Mexican Mining Disaster
The rescue of 33 miners who spent 68 days underground following a cave-in a Chilean copper mine has struck a nerve in Mexico, where the widows of 63 miners killed in the Pasta de Conchos disaster are still fighting for justice and the right to give their husbands a decent burial. […]

Displaced Zapatistas Return Home