Month: December 2010

The Historic End to the Institutional Revolutionary Party’s Rule in Oaxaca
On Dec. 1 Gabino Cue Monteagudo became the first non-PRI governor of the state in eight decades. Local and national guests witnessed his oath in the legislative chamber, while outside, protesters began to express what Cue can look forward to. His first challenge will be in convincing innumerable combative groups that it’s now worthwhile to try dialogue.

Doubt Cast on Chile’s Commitment to Human Rights
(IPS) – The Chilean government’s commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights has been called into question by a new report by a university human rights centre. “I believe the authorities and different […]

The Ambassador Has No Clothes: WikiLeaks Cable Lays Bare Washington’s Stance Toward Bolivia
A classified cable from the US embassy in La Paz, Bolivia released by WikiLeaks lays bare an embassy that is biased against the Evo Morales government, underestimates the sophistication of the governing party’s grassroots base, and out of touch with the political reality of the country. […]

BP Sued in Ecuador for Violating the Rights of Nature
“This morning we filed this lawsuit to defend the rights of Nature, in particular the rights of the Gulf of Mexico and the sea, which were violated by the BP oil spill,” said Vandana Shiva, who is one of the plaintiffs. “It’s about universal jurisdiction beyond the boundaries of Ecuador because Nature has rights everywhere, and that is why a global coalition were the first signatories to say: we as citizens of the earth have a duty to protect Nature everywhere.”

WikiLeaks: Paraguay voices concerns on US spying
Source: Press TV Paraguay has summoned the US ambassador to the country expressing concerns about published Wikileaks documents citing US spying in the Latin American country and interest in its oil reserves. Paraguay’s Foreign Minister […]

Ecuador offers WikiLeak’s founder Assange residency
Source: Ottowa Citizen Ecuador on Monday offered Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder who has enraged Washington by releasing masses of classified U.S. documents, residency with no questions asked. “We are ready to give him residence […]