At the Roots of Mapuche Resistance
A backgrounder on the situation facing Mapuche people in Chile and a look at Canada’s role Source: The Media Co-op More than 34 Mapuche political prisoners in Chile have entered into day 69 of […]
A backgrounder on the situation facing Mapuche people in Chile and a look at Canada’s role Source: The Media Co-op More than 34 Mapuche political prisoners in Chile have entered into day 69 of […]
The incredible pro-democracy resistance movement (known as the National Front of Popular Resistance-FNRP) has collected 1,269,142 signatures (and counting) demanding a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) that will mark an important step in their struggle towards […]
Source: Americas Program Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated Wednesday that Mexico and Central America were facing an “insurgency” that requires the equivalent of a Plan Colombia in the region. Her comments immediately raised the […]
In his first book translated to English, veteran Uruguayan journalist and scholar Raúl Zibechi draws on the Aymara city of El Alto in Bolivia as source of inspiration and possibility, a unique example among the many important popular and Indigenous struggles unfolding throughout Latin America. He offers an in-depth exploration and analysis of the many possibilities of movement building that exist outside of leftist organizing oriented towards taking state power.
Neoliberal policies and the war on Mexican drug cartels are part of the same project; to maintain a weak democracy and a militarized state with the purpose of preserving economic and political control of the United States in the region. […]
In order for the governor of Oaxaca to present a successful Grito in observance of the 200th anniversary of Mexico’s revolt against Spanish rule, the Oaxaca zócalo was protected by almost 2,000 armed men, state and local police, who set up iron fences to keep out any trouble. […]
Source: International Socialist Review ON DECEMBER 6, 2009, Evo Morales won a decisive mandate for a second term in office with an astonishing 64 percent of the popular vote.1 The turnout was close to 90 […]
(IPS) – Trials of members of the security forces for human rights violations in Peru, especially in cases of massacres of civilians, are moving very slowly, creating “the perception of a climate of impunity,” said […]
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