Year: 2010

Another Peasant Killed in Aguan, Honduras
Assassination marks the fifth killing of a peasant organizer in this region in the last 10 weeks Source: The Media Co-op On September 10, 2010, compañero Francisco Miranda Ortega, a 55 year old campesino, member […]

Zapatista Supporters Attacked in Retaliation for Building an Autonomous School
Members of the Mexican political parties PRI, PRD and PVEM (the green party) attacked 170 Zapatista supporters and expelled them from their homes in the Tzeltal community of San Marcos Avilés, in the municipality of Chilón, Chiapas, in retaliation for the construction of an autonomous school in the early morning hours of Sept. 9.

Chile’s Ghosts: The Tyranny of Forgetting
Late in the afternoon on September 4th, 1970, Salvador Allende celebrated his election as president of Chile. He told one supporter in the crowd, “Hug me harder, compañera! This is not a time for timidity!” […]

Border Mining Projects in Latin America Before Ethics Tribunal
(IPS) – Latin American activists who want to call attention to mining developments located in border areas will gather in Chile to “pass judgement” on projects they regard as detrimental to local communities, the environment […]

Mexico: Unending Violence for the Indigenous People of San Juan Copala
Despite a growing outpour of international support and solidarity, there is no end in sight to the paramilitary violence being waged against the Indigenous Triqui people of San Juan Copala in Oaxaca, Mexico. […]

No Dialogue in Mapuche Conflict in Chile
(IPS) – The Chilean government is pushing through legal reforms in an attempt to bring to an end a nearly two month hunger strike by 34 Mapuche indigenous prisoners. But it is failing to address […]

Education and the Cataclysm in Haiti: An Interview with Rea Dol
Rea Dol is the Director and co-founder of Society of Providence United for the Economic Development of Petion-Ville (SOPUDEP), a grassroots organization in Haiti offering education for children and adults and a micro-credit program for women. Her work in the aid effort following the January 12th earthquake in Haiti was the subject of a New York Times documentary. While in Haiti in July, Montreal freelance journalist Darren Ell asked her about the impact of the earthquake.

Lo que pueden enseñarnos los Zapatistas sobre la crisis climática
Fuente: Foreign Policy in Focus Con su grito de batalla de 1994, “¡Ya basta!”, el levantamiento zapatista de México se convirtió en la punta de lanza de dos movimientos convergentes: el movimiento mexicano por los […]