Month: June 2012

Bullets and Blood: The High Price of Anti-Mining Resistance in San José del Progreso, Mexico
Source: Americas Program On the evening of Saturday, June 16 two environmental activists and human rights defenders were with friends in front of city hall on the main street of San José del Progreso, Mexico. […]

U.S. Prison Industrial Complex Moves South of the Border
The United States today uses an extensive and unprecedented form of imprisonment and policing as social control of its most marginalized communities. It is a unique culture of incarceration: no other country locks up their […]

Pressure from the Region Could Be Decisive in Paraguay’s Crisis
The international community, and especially the rest of South America, could play a key role in the crisis triggered in Paraguay by the impeachment of President Fernando Lugo and his replacement by Federico Franco, his vice president. […]

Paraguay: Impeachment or political coup?
Source: Al Jazeera, Inside Story Americas Click here to view video Fernando Lugo, the president of Paraguay, has vowed to fight on after being ousted in what he calls a parliamentary coup. He was removed […]

Video: Paraguay Coup – Will Obama Join Latin America and Condemn Ouster of President Lugo?
Source: Democracy Now! Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has been ousted in what he has described as a parliamentary coup. On Friday, the Paraguayan Senate voted 39-to-4 to impeach Lugo, saying he had failed in his […]

E’a: Alternative News Source From Paraguay
Alternative news outlet from Paraguay: http://ea.com.py/ Fuente de informacion alternativa desde Paraguay: http://ea.com.py/

Colombia: Movement for the Defense and Liberation of Mother Earth Commences the Festival of the Sun
“It is vital that we rescue our indigenous identity”, expressed Harold Segura a member of the Association of Affected by the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project-Asoquimbo. “We were originally an indigenous reserve. We still have such a rich culture and territory, but with the Quimbo Hydroelectric Project on the river, petroleum company Emerald Energy in the Eastern Mountains and the Special Energy and Transportation Batallion ‘José María Tello’ next to us we are about to lose it all forever.”

Tragic Week in Paraguay
Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has just been removed from office by Congress through political impeachment, an express trial that lasted only 24 hours. This manoeuvre must be seen as a coup to the democratic process started in 2008. Social movements are protesting in front of Congress as well as in various parts of the country. This plot by the major Paraguayan political parties has to be interpreted as the last step of a process of political destabilization in the country started with the massacre of Curuguaty last June 15th.

Monsanto golpea en Paraguay: Los muertos de Curuguaty y el juicio político a Lugo
La Unión de Gremios de Producción (UGP) estrechamente ligada al Grupo Zuccolillo, dueño del diario ABC Color y socio principal de Cargill, venía preparando un acto de protesta nacional contra el gobierno de Fernando Lugo […]